Note: The web build doesn't control very well, nothing I can do about that, sorry.

A puzzle-horror game where you have to escape a learning center built by a mad scientist.

This is just a prototype, I'll link to the full version when I make it.

All of the graphics were made by me except for the robot, which was included in the A* Pathfinding Project.

The AI has two states, Wander and Angry. When it's in the Wander state, it will walk to a random waypoint in the maze. If it sees you breaking a rule, it will switch to the Angry state. When in the Angry state, it will constantly chase you. If it can't see you, it will go to your last known location. After a minute of chasing you (or longer if you evade it by running) or 15 seconds of not seeing you, it will revert to the Wander state.


Welcome to the Complex Windows 19 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run.

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